FEFRI departments
Kovalev Alexander, Sc.D., Honored Forester RFReception tel. (4212) 21-85-48
Chief accountant
Shalyshkina Nataliatel. (4212) 21-64-80
Deputy director
on financial and economic workSergey A. Gromyko, Ph.D.
tel. (4212) 21-79-52
Deputy Director for Science
Alekseenko Alexander, Ph.D.tel. (4212) 21-67-34
Scientific Secretary
Lysun Elenatel. (4212) 21-63-38
Head of the Graduate center
Oshkina Elenatel. (4212) 21-67-98
Scientific divisions
Department of Forestry
Department headTagiltsev Yuri., Sc.D.
tel. (4212) 21-67-98
Forestry and forest activities sector The sector of non-timber forest resources
Kolesnikova Rima, Sc.D.
Forest Protection and Forest Ecology
Department headAlexey Orlov, Ph.D.
tel. (4212) 32-65-33
Forest Ecology Branch sector
Krupskaya Ludmila, Sc.D.
Forest fire sector
Sheshukov Mikhail, Sc.D.
Forests protection from pests and diseases sector
Galina Yurchenko, Ph.D.
Department of forest inventory and forest regeneration
Head of DepartmentNadezhda Pankratova, Ph.D.
T. (4212) 21-59-68
Forest management and forest inventory sector
Greek Viktor, Ph.D.
Sector of forest reproduction
Elena Nikitenko, Ph.D.
Economic assessment of forest resources sector
Department of economic, technical and information support
Head of DepartmentTyumentseva Raisa
tel. (4212) 21-63-38
Scientific Library
Kirilenko Ludmila
T. (4212) 21-67-98
Arboretum Cebotari Natalia
tel. (4212) 22-34-01